
If you’re seeking a scamologist, particularly an Expert Romance Scammer, then Dr. Julie Seel is your gal! Check out my sweet portfolio of valuable assets. All you need to do is fall for my fake love promises, and you too can participate in these exciting schemes.

Here’s how it works: (1) After meeting on a dating website, I immediately pretend to be in love with YOU and; (2)  that we’ll spend the rest of our lives together in grand style; (3) I come up with a mutual investment; (4) we sign a contract (sometimes well-drafted, sometimes sketchy); (5) Once I get your John Hancock, I do everything I can to viciously destroy you personally and professionally. See how fun? You’ll love it! -And, you’ll particularly love signing a fortune over to me!

I’ve pulled off more property scams than most people can even dream of. Dudes fall for it every time. It’s amazing how they’ll just sign over deeds, airplanes, even the proverbial keys to a castle. The most satisfying part is the fake urgency, “I love you so much!” “We need to do this NOW!” I love tricking my way into ownership of prime properties. Step by step, I first lock down 50-50%, then go for all YOUR pieces on the chessboard, lol. It’s all so exciting! 

You’re so handsome and sweet. Stop dealing with boring, actual-relationship-seeking women, hook up with ME, Dr. Julie Marie Steal Steele Seel, a Real Scammer today! Below are some recent additions to my portfolio. Keep in mind that all these guys were just bad men, not honorable like me and you. If they’d been nicer men, I wouldn’t have had to steal all their valuable possessions.

With us, "It is different," “It will work out,” “We’ll make millions!” “I love you!”               Sign here.


My Plane, Ha!

When I met H.D.. (aka “Honest Doc”) on Facebook Dating, I immediately decided to build my scam du jour on flight lessons he was taking. I called him “My Superman.” He ate it right up. That’s why I immediately found a plane for “us” to buy together, knowing it’d be mine in the end, bwahhahaha! We bought it as 50-50% partners, but of course... as usual... I wound up with 100% of it in the end. Eazy Peazy. Boohoo. Poor him, The big baby.

Turns out flying a plane is like my true passion: scamming. Both involve precise control. I find manipulating an airplane to stay on course is just like the careful manipulation of information and timing to deceive a romance scam target. Piece of cake! Then there’s planning... Pilots plan flight paths, check weather, and other systems. Turns out that that’s just like crafting convincing backstories for fraudulent romance schemes. It's a rush! Couldn’t be easier!

H.D. had no idea he’d wind up signing over the brand-new, showroom-floor, Piper Archer airplane to me. Let’s face it though. He’d have never had this scam-investing adventure without me! It's not every day some old dude gets fake love, dumped, then gets to sign over a $600k+ plane to fund a virtual stranger's luxury lifestyle. Eff him though, after dating him for just a couple months, he owed me! He's a baaad man, like all the rest. They All OWE Me!

Bill Bishop

Turns out my off-and-on-again-for-a-few-months boyfriend Bill Bishop and I were split up (according to Durham Herald Sun, News & Observer) when he managed to get extremely suspiciously strangled by his dog leash, with Winston the dog still attached!

Still, I managed to get his ca$h, jewelry, and Rolex, post mortem. I find scamming living dudes rewarding and profitable. But, dead or alive, as a professional Scamologist, I maintain an unflinching and unwavering commitment to transferring wealth from men who are seeking, or, ahem, having sought love. Cheers!


None for you,
Two For Me!

I dated K.D. (Kindly Doc) for three months. I promised him forever love. Then I promptly found two houses for "us" to buy to live out our days. You know the drill, We were 50-50% on both deeds. Then as soon as the deeds were signed, I got Kindly Doc thrown out of the houses by accusing him of Rape and Desecration of Human Remains.

 Nyah, nyah. I managed to get the Wilmington house free & clear. Zillow values it at $742k. The Raleigh house was worth twice that, but oh well. It's still a net win for ME! As the North Carolina Department of Justice says, romance scammers "present a facade of unconditional love that seems highly comforting. Works every time!

Like other Fan Club members, Kindly Doc still has nightmares, trauma, and fear. But I got the CA$H! Keep in mind, they all give me great reviews! They love me!

Robbing the Devil

Here in Durham, we love the Duke University Devil mascot. Dr. Seel worked a couple years at Duke as a psychologist. However, in fiscal 2018-2019, she made such an ugly stink that Duke paid her $672,756. dollars to get rid of her, as shown on page 9 of Duke University Health System's annual 2019 I.R.S. 990 tax form



Dr. Julie Seel entered into two 50-50% LLCs regarding a commercial property in Durham with C.D. (aka Classy Doc). As usual, Seel found the property. One LLC was to own the land, one was to operate a business on it.

Dr. Seel showed up approximately one day to work there, but "decided" Classy Doc was sooo baaad that she could never work with him. Thus, she went after his license to practice medicine, just like she had gone after Kindly Doc's. Classy Doc finally paid her $100's of $1,000's in CA$H to get rid of her.

Dr. Seel bragged to at least two later Fan Club members that she got more $$ than the property was worth. Another happy client.

Castle Mont Rouge

EXCITING CURRENT PROJECT: The gloriously wonderful Dr. Seel the romance scammer is trying to wrest the castle away from the Castle-Builder Artist of Castle Mont Rouge. 

After promising to be a romantic partner and partner in a castle business that she promised to manage, Dr. Seel got Castle Builder to sign a screwy "agreement to agree," then spent some $ over a few months lowering the value of the property. Now Dr. Seel the alleged Financial Planner and alleged Wealth Manager is suing the hell out of him for multiple times the value of the castle!

Naturally, the Castle Builder is very grateful for Dr. Seel's excellent scamological services. The Castle Builder prays every day that she succeeds in stealing every penny from himself and his children!